Logo of Fazenda dos Cordeiros - Silva Jardim - RJ
Foto da Sede envolta pela vegetação da Mata Atlântica - Silva Jardim - RJ
Sede da Fazenda dos Cordeiros envolta pela vegetação da Mata Atlântica - Silva Jardim - RJ

The Farm

Fazenda dos Cordeiros is located in Imbaú, Silva Jardim in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. We have 500 hectares of land, most of which are sacred and protected areas. The other portions of our properties are used for agricultural production. We were initially individual family owned properties which have since collaborated into the complete, Fazenda dos Cordeiros. We have steered away from the singularity traditionally present in farming and have fostered an enriching center for conservation, education, agriculture, and leisure. We exist under SNUC’s detailed reservation system, RPPN. This is a government-mandated program we have in Brazil to preserve protected lands, permanently. Here at Fazenda dos Cordeiros we exist as an important habitat for the flourishing biodiversity of various ecosystems here in our Atlantic Forest. The Golden Lion Tamarin, or o Mico Leão Dourado is our greatest treasure here. Native to the region, our forest is home to two families of this unfortunately endangered animal. We have a partnership with the Associacao do Mico Leao Dourado to ensure and promote their protection and conservation. Our lands also serve to protect and preserve other species including the collared sloth, bamboo rat, hedgehogs, black and white hummingbirds, woodpeckers, owls, otters, cougars, various rare species of Brazilian birds, and many others. Our estate is also home to a great variety of amphibians, reptiles, and insects.

We are a real farm! We use a variety of systems and methods to produce a mass variety of organic goods. We believe we have a moral obligation to act in a responsible and respectful manner towards the environment. We reflect this belief in each of our farm’s practices. Some examples of our productions are:

  • Our organic produce: coffee, hearts of palm, acai from Juçara, guava, pineapples. coconuts, cassava, corn, beans, and many more. We of course also have many plants native to Brazil such as Cupuaçu and Grumixama.
  • About 120 species of growing seedlings in our nurseries, native to our Atlantic Forest.
  • Many different orchids grow here, some native, hybrid, and even foreign species.
  • Small animals including: chickens, turkeys, geese, rabbits, guinea pigs, and many more.

We have lots of special spaces and equipment dedicated to host families, groups of visitors, and students in a unique way. We prioritize outdoor, rural, and agricultural activities here while also encompassing leisure and education throughout the entire process. We aim to enrich and educate all who have the opportunity to join us, through immersive experiences in our environment. Come and share our magical land with us, your friends and family. Here at Fazenda dos Cordeiros, all are welcome.

We are waiting for you and hope to see you soon!

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